Keys to push for screenshot mac with regular keyboard
Keys to push for screenshot mac with regular keyboard

keys to push for screenshot mac with regular keyboard

  • Pause will only send a single keydown event.
  • The F1 ~ F12 (and F13 ~ F24) keys can be mapped.
  • The Fn (function) key cannot be remapped (in most cases).
  • Keys to push for screenshot mac with regular keyboard windows#

    Win+ L and Ctrl+ Alt+ Del cannot be remapped as they are reserved by the Windows OS.Right click on Maximize: Maximize Window Horizontally.There are some shortcut keys that are reserved for the operating system and cannot be replaced. Middle click on the top panel (but not the menu): Send the current window behind all other windows. If the application isn't running it will just open it normally.

    keys to push for screenshot mac with regular keyboard

    Middle click on an application's launcher icon: Open a new instance of the application in a new window. Restoring: Dragging the top panel down on a maximized window will restore it to its original size. Tiling: Dragging a Window to the left/right border will auto tile it Right click on Maximize: Maximize Window Horizontally (unless mouse buttons set left handed, then reverse)

    keys to push for screenshot mac with regular keyboard

    Middle click on Maximize: Maximize Window Vertically. Maximizing: Dragging a window to the top panel will maximize it. There are also some tricks you can do with your mouse, such as: Super + S: Expo mode, zooms out on all the workspaces and let's you manage windows.Ĭtrl + Alt + Left/Right/Up/Down: Move to new workspace.Ĭtrl + Alt + Shift + Left/Right/Up/Down: Place window to a new workspace.Ĭtrl-Alt-Numpad 1: Place window in the bottom left corner of the screen.Ĭtrl-Alt-Numpad 2: Place window in the bottom half of the screen.Ĭtrl-Alt-Numpad 3: Place window in the bottom right corner of the screen.Ĭtrl-Alt-Numpad 4: Place window on the left side of the scren.Ĭtrl-Alt-Numpad 5: Center/Maximize the window in the middle of the screen.Ĭtrl-Alt-Numpad 6: Place window on the right side of the screen.Ĭtrl-Alt-Numpad 7: Place window in top left corner of screen.Ĭtrl-Alt-Numpad 8: Place window in top half of screen.Ĭtrl-Alt-Numpad 9: Place window in top right corner of screen. Super + D: Minimize all windows(acts as Show Desktop). Super + W: Spread mode, zoom out on all windows in all workspaces. Super + F: Opens up files and folders window from launcher. Super + A: Opens up application window from launcher. Hold super Key and hit 1, 2, 3 etc.: Open an Application from Launcher. Press and release super Key (Windows Key): Opens dash.

    keys to push for screenshot mac with regular keyboard

    The following are Ubuntu Unity shortcuts, some of which work for Lubuntu as well.Īlt + F1: Put keyboard focus on the Launcher, use arrow keys to navigate, Enter launch.Īlt + F2: Opens dash in special mode to run any commands.Īlt + F7: Moves the current window(both keyboard and mouse can be used).Īlt + F10: Toggle between Maximize/Unmaximize current window.į10: Open the first menu on top panel, use arrows keys to browse across the menus This is likely an issue between OpenBox and LXDE that may have appeared circa 11.07. The only fall back at the moment seems to be ctrl-alt-t and then run programs from the command line. The absence of control-escape LxPanel menu functionality can be problematic if one's mouse is dead in Lubuntu 13.04. LXPanel Menu: alt + f1 ctrl + esc (apparently not in Lubuntu 13.04) PCMan File Manager: super + e ctrl + alt + d Window list (sticky): ctrl + alt + tab (not in 13.04) Window menu: alt + spacebar (useful for off-screen Skype windows in Lubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail) Go to window: (direction) super + shift + arrow Toggle show desktop: super + d (super is the Start key on many keyboards) Go to desktop (number): super + f1/f2/f3/f4 Go to desktop (direction): ctrl + alt + arrow Lubuntu LXDE OpenBox Desktop keyboard shortcutsĪlt + Tab: Toggle between currently open windows.Īlt + Shift + Tab: Toggle between currently open windows in reverse order.

    Keys to push for screenshot mac with regular keyboard